Allows you to search for practitioners with a variety of parameters. For more advanced searches, you can use the query and sort parameters with full ElasticSearch syntax.

When viewing the method parameters described below, take special note of 'query' and 'sort'. These are special parameters that allow you to specify highly flexible searches using the ElasticSearch Query DSL.

For example to search by Specialty you could set a 'query' value of:

"query": {
  "nested": {
    "path": "practitioner.specialties",
      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "should": [
            { "match": { "practitioner.specialties.taxonomyName": "Dentist" } }
        "score_mode": "avg"


And to sort results by practitioner last name (as opposed to the default of search relevance), you could specify a 'sort' value of:

"sort": [
    "practitioner.lastName": "ASC"

For more examples, see Common Practitioner Search Clauses

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